PEACE PAVILION In memory of the innocent victims of war in Africa
“Peace is a dream, it can become a reality… but to build it we must be capable of dreaming.” (Nelson Mandela)
Intercultural hostility and the exploitation of resources on the African continent have triggered a succession of armed conflicts resulting in millions of innocent lives lost and refugees seeking hope in a better life elsewhere. Communities annihilated. Villages and cities torn to the ground. Nations in chaos.
Remembering the victims through the universal value of peace can help to lay the foundation for the creation of an inclusive and cohesive society. Contemplation, memory, and compassion are the values that commemorative architecture must convey in order to build a better world.
"Kaira Looro Competition" is an international architecture competition aimed at raising awareness of the international community towards emerging architecture in developing countries. The new edition of the competition has as its theme is to create a pavilion for the promotion of universal peace which inspires contemplation, reflection, and prayer for those who unjustly lost their lives. Commemorating the victims of African wars through the value of peace is a fundamental step in building an inclusive and cohesive society, so that such events may never be repeated in the future. Many African countries have been devastated by internal conflicts stemming from the exploitation of resources as well as from ethnic and religious disputes. One of the continent’s many conflicts took place in the Casamance region, south of Senegal, the area which is the focus of the theme of this competition. Today, thankfully, there is an atmosphere of peace and harmony. The competition is organized by the Nonprofit Organization “Balouo Salo” engaged in Africa for humanitarian projects of architecture and support of disadvantaged communities, with the collaboration of the University of Tokyo, Kengo Kuma & Associates, Direction de la Culture de Sedhiou, Conseil Municipal de Sedhiou and others relevant parts.
The internationally jury is composed by Kengo Kuma, T. Hirano (Università di Tokyo), A. Ghirardelli (SBGA), Urko Sanchez (Urko Sanchez Architects), Diana Lopez Caramazana (UN-Habitat Nairobi), Jean Paul Sebuhayi Uwase & Noella Nibakuze (Mass Group Design). The scientific committee is composed by S. D'Urso (Università di Catania), R. Vecchio (Balouo Salo) and Moussa Souane (CCAI Sedhio)
Early registration (60€) – from 18th January to 11st February 2019
Normal registration (90€) - from 12nd February to 10th March 2019
Late registration (120€) – from 05th March to 31st April, 2019
Submission deadline - 18th April 2019
Winners announced – 4th May 2019
1st Place: € 4,000 + Internship at Kengo Kuma Associates at Tokyo Office+ Construction
2nd Place: € 1,000 + Publication + Exhibition + Certificate
3rd Place: € 500 + Publication + Exhibition + Certificate
2 honorable mentions: € 150 + Publication + Exhibition + Certificate
5 mentions: Publication + Exhibition + Certificate
20 finalists: Publication + Exhibition + Certificate
Kaira Looro Student Competition: Peace Pavilion in AfricaType
Competition Announcement (Student Competitions)Website
Registration Deadline
March 31, 2019 12:00 AMSubmission Deadline
April 18, 2019 11:30 PMVenue
Sedhiou, SenegalPrice
60€ (Early Registration )